General Information

Tour/Height: 320 Meters

Time: Half a Day. Easy.

Road-Length: Variable.

Consistence of the Road: Asphalt pavement, Macadam pavement. Inside You have to lift the Wheelchair once – maybe they do have a Ramp now. Outside everything is accessible.

Toilet: You can find an Accessible Toilet on the Ground floor.

TIP: You can take part of the Guided Tours with Kids an Wheelchairs! Just call 0316/3805651 before You get there



Getting There

Road-Description: The Botanical Garden is situated in the “Schubertstraße” (Entrance of the Greenhouse). The Entrance for the Outdoor-part is situated at “Holteigasse 6”. You can gaze at four different Climate Zones, the Temperature is situated between 8 and 24 Degress, and the Air Humidity between 50% and 80%. We go over Wooden-bridges and other bridges to see all the different Climate Zones. If we wait a bit we also see some small creatures. In the Upper-area the Kids get very happy because they see the metre-high plants from above.

It is worth to connect the Excursion to the Botanical Garden with a walk around the Hilmlagoon – it is only 10 minutes away (by feet).



Botanical Garden (and then Hilmlagoon)

Visiting the Botanical Garden in Graz.
You can take part of the Guided Tour with Kids and Wheelchairs.


Botanical Garden (and then Hilmlagoon)


  0316/3805651 oder 3805747


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